Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tricky Lilly

Glenda, Im not sure what baited breath is but if it means stanky breath I should help Rudy out and write more often. Sorry Rudy.

Its neat to get these dogs to do tricks. I tried to get her to roll over and play dead for a long time without much success. Carol pulled up a little demo one day that showed how to lure them into the trick with a treat and it was pretty easy after that. I watch other peoples dogs do tricks and its cute but when my dog does one it is really special. Kind of like your kid doing something.

Carol is folding my laundry now and has discovered 2 socks without mates. How does that happen? I always take them off together and put them in the hamper. Everything then is dumped into the washer and transfered to the dryer. How does that happen?


Glenda, saved by grace said...

Well Bo, I may have spelled it wrong or used it out of context or something, but I was thinking bated, baited, breath meant something like anxiously awaiting... I was awaiting your wisdom. Baited breath does kinda sound like stank breath tho don't it?
I'm sitting here watching your little dog do these tricks, and to think you've only had her a year or so and she's obeying and long have you "had" Carol?

Mamaw 28 said...

That's really good. Lilly's one smart dog.

Carol said...

Hey, I was standing there doing his laundry as he was typing his post. What more could he want???