Monday, May 04, 2009

Be Careful America

I have been thinking for awhile about different factions of our population "Chinking away at their Agendas". Their true agendas would not be popular with the majority of the people and full blown frontal assaults would meet stiff resistance. I believe groups such as the Humane Society of the United States, P.E.T.A., Green Peace, certain feminist groups, gun control groups and Gay Rights activists have learned to take aim at small pieces of their agendas. They target pieces of the agenda that they can approach on a small locale or regional level. They can spend a lot of money in a specific area and not call National attention to the effort. If it does get out that they have a campaign going on in California, Colorado, Road Island, or some other state or county, we in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida or three counties over don't feel it effects us so we remain quiet and calm. They win and sometimes they loose but they remain very relentless and if we really take stock of what is going on, they are winning more than the rest of us very comfortable, it wont effect me, I will do something about that tomorrow Americans realize.

The 30 second soundbite is very effective in getting out just the right message that grabs even some well intentioned, well meaning people. The piece of their agenda is well represented but not so obvious and the 30 second soundbite takes an hour of detailed information to refute and shine the light on the reality of what will happen should they achieve their goals. Too many of us will not spend the hour to really understand the consequences or results of their winning.

We need to be careful. We need to be careful.

I think of the story about Lot. When the two angels came to his house and the men of Sodom demanded Lot to give them over. "And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them." I wonder how long it took Sodom to become such a place? I bet it was slow, a little at a time. First one morale was stepped on and then trodden under. A principle was eased for some special circumstance but then forgotten. It surely became more fashionable or enjoyable or more enlightened to do these unnatural things a little at a time. Morals and ethics and principles were "Chinked" away at until they were no more.

Be careful America. BE CAREFUL.


Glenda, saved by grace said...

very "sound" advise. I think your very right Bo.

Carol said...

I think you are right too. But I just don't know what to do about it. We are just lone voices out here in the wilderness, it feels like.

But I do know that our Lord is in complete control and is watching out for his own.