Monday, April 24, 2006


Riddle. Give your answer on the comments.
What does a rich man want, a poor man has and is stronger than God.

Quote from Whitmore Winslow.

"Can a man suppose that he was made for himself?
What a glorious motto for a man, "I Live for God!"

It is religion's truest definition.

It is a motto for a life.

Can a man suppose that he was made for himself?

Miserable thought!

Yet the world acts upon this belief. They devise, and
scheme, and accomplish apparently for others; but
the spring of action and the end of action is, SELF.

This is of course abhorrent to God.

Bo says.
Im afraid I know this truth but still act for SELF.


Mamaw 28 said...

The answer is "NOTHING".

Jocelyne said...

That's what I was gonna say too - honest.

Bocephus said...

Thats the right answer. Next time I see yall I will give you your prize. Ha

Glenda, saved by grace said...

I was gonna say "not a thing", but I see my big sister beat me to it!The rest of your blog was very thought provoking as well. Thanks for sharing!

Jocelyne said...

I bet the prize is the same as the answer 'nothin'

Glenda, saved by grace said...

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!Why are ya'll not blogging? I wanna know whats going on, and I wanna hear some more of your wisdom!
Love ya,

Jocelyne said...

Time to blog - bozo