Saturday, January 20, 2007


8:30 A.M. Sat. morning in Amarillo Texas.

This is great!!! We have been sitting around trying to come up with fun things to do. Carol suggested we get a sled and tie it on to the pick-up and pull Mason thru the "Hood". I told her I didn't think that would be too safe. He might get slung off and break his collar bone or something.
I suggested we bundle up and go for a bike ride. She didn't think the tires would roll too good. I suggested we tie a bike to the bumper and I could pull her around town.

We wont use this bike. It's the new
one. I wouldn't want to mess it up.

It was a pretty expensive bike and I might be able to ride it this Summer.

We can use this one. It's my old one and it won't matter too much if it gets messed up. It didn't cost too much. Besides I will be able to ride the other one this Summer.

This is the neighbor from across the street. She likes to shovel snow. She does a very good job. There are several old people living on our block and she shovels everyones sidewalks.

I'm going to need to go get some gum after while. Sure hopes she gets mine shoveled before I go.

If she doesn't make it maybe I can get this boy to do it.
Changing the subject.
I read a little about Ted Kennedy this morning. The story I read was about he and another Democratic Senator attempting to work with the Soviet Union in 1983. The other Senator was Tunney. It seems Kennedy had the idea that they could team up with Russia and cast doubt about President Regan by portraying him as a "Warmonger" and the Soviet's as desiring to peaceably co-exist. They were going to get media to play this up and hurt Regan's chances for re-election. Needless to say it didn't work. The story is being looked into and when there is more evidence that it is true I will share that. Interesting isn't it.
Well time to hook up the bike. I'll also bring a report on that later.
Carol, OH CAROL!


Mamaw 28 said...

You, Carol & Mason could go help her, (the lady with the shovel I mean) and everybody's sidewalks would get done alot faster! I'm not sure how much fun that would be, in the cold. I'm not much for the cold. It makes my bones ache!

Carol said...

Bo did end up going out and helping her. It's about all covered up again though. We have got some SNOW now! Probably 11-12 inches and it's still snowing. It's going to take a while for this one to all melt off.

Jocelyne said...

funny entry today! I hope you guys have had a good weekend being snowed in.

Bocephus said...

It wasnt funny.