Sunday, February 05, 2006

Numero Uno

This is the first post to my blog as you can tell by there not being any previous ones. You will also be able to tell in the immediate future that I don't have a clue about proper grammar. That may or may not be important. I guess it depends on your perspective. That is the last time I will apologize for it.
I have wanted off and on over the years to journal and this appears to be a means of doing that. Can I really post the things I might journal though? We will see. Will I keep this up or will it be the first and last? We will see.
This morning is starting out just fine. Pretty typical Sunday with the Sun coming up and Me hopping on the computer for awhile. I usually prepare a lesson for us to study at Church. I get these from one of several sovereign Grace websites we like. This morn., however, I am blogging.
Mason is spending the nite with my sister and Carol and I are home alone.
She helped me get started with this and is now getting ready for a walk.
Guess I better get ready also.
I will do this again God willing. We will see.

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